HTC gives back in the biggest ways We’re probably all familiar with the saying, “It’s better to give than to receive.” At HTC, we strive to put this into practice all year round, but especially during the holiday season. With the past few months being such a whirlwind, we thought we’d take a moment to look back on some of the ways HTC was able to help make the holidays a little brighter for members of our community. In addition to gathering up material goods, our HTC employees participated in a blood drive for the American Red Cross during the holiday season. We were happy to do our part to help save lives here in Horry County. The 16th Annual Holiday Food Drive, which is coordinated solely by HTC employees, helped a number of individuals and families struggling right here in our own communities. The HTC employees who organized the campaign raised over $7,600 and collected thousands of food items to benefit local food banks and charities including Christian Missions, CAP, Master’s Table, 12 | Winter 2018 13 Winter 2018 | Shepherd’s Table, North Strand Helping Hand and Community Kitchen of Myrtle Beach. The donations made a significant impact on many lives over the holidays and will continue to help provide hot meals to fellow neighbors into the new year. HTC also hosted an in-house “Game Winning Drive” — a friendly Clemson/South Carolina food drive competition to benefit local food banks. Employees filled the box of their favorite team with non-perishable food items, and then the team with the most items in the “Game Winning Drive” was awarded victory, bragging rights, and the right to wear jeans and team • BIRD HOUSES • BIRD SEED & FEEDERS • SUNFLOWER & GRASS SEED • MAKE YOUR BACKYARD A WINTERTIME OASIS! 2200 N MAIN ST (843) 248-4344 CONWAYFEEDANDGARDEN.COM CHECK OUT OUR LARGE SUPPLY OF PRODUCTS apparel on Thursday, December 28. Rivalry aside, this collective effort to rally together for a common cause helped less-fortunate community members and neighbors during this holiday season. We look forward to serving our community in more ways throughout 2018, and to enriching the lives of area citizens. For more information about our year-round community outreach, visit Pictured left to right: Nicole Hyman and Lisa Martin with HTC HTC employees participate in National Walking Day. HTC Employee, Sandra Boyd, donates blood to the American Red Cross