6 7 www.htcinc.net | Winter 2018 Winter 2018 | www.htcinc.net 6 easy substitutions for a healthy heart 1. Eat fruit for dessert. 2. Take the saltshaker off the table and put it in a cabinet — out of sight, out of mind. 3. Swap the elevator or escalator ride for taking the stairs. 4. Trade the front-row parking spot for one at the end of the lot, and walk (where it’s safe, of course!). 5. Exchange red meat for fish once or twice per week. 6. Switch from sitting to standing when possible — during meetings, on the phone, waiting in an office, etc. 1.) Know your numbers • Knowledge is power! Get checked by a health professional and learn your numbers for blood pressure, body mass index, cholesterol and glucose levels. After all, prevention begins with knowing your risk — simply ignoring it does not make a problem or a potential threat go away. • Normal blood pressure readings fall below 120/80 mm Hg. Of course, a number of factors (such as age and family history) impact your ideal numbers for all of these health checks — that’s why it’s important to see a doctor. 2.) Eat a heart-healthy diet • A well-balanced diet is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to heart health. Particularly, it’s beneficial to eliminate or reduce foods with high amounts of saturated fats (such as butter, margarine, full-fat dairy products and fatty meat products) and sugars (sweets, soda, bread and biscuits, and most processed foods). • The American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day for women and 38 grams of added sugar per day for men — that means sugar added in by you or food companies, not sugar found naturally in fruits, veggies and dairy products. • Sugar often sneaks into unexpected foods, such as canned tomato sauce or salad dressing. Make an effort to move away from prepackaged foods and instead opt for fresh, whole foods as much as possible. With so many fruits and vegetables grown right here in Horry and Georgetown counties, you have plenty of farm-fresh options available! This time of year is probably sending visions of spring break bathing suits dancing through your head. Sure enough, beach season will be upon us soon! Like many folks, you may have made a New Year’s resolution to work out more or lose weight this year. Resolutions tend to dwindle in the second month of the year, but it’s important to keep your chin up and continue trying! Maintaining a healthy weight is not only crucial for looking and feeling your best, but it’s also a critical component of heart health. Follow these tips to work your way toward your healthiest year yet: 4 steps to stay T rue to your heart