2 3 www.htcinc.net | Winter 2018 Winter 2018 | www.htcinc.net Contents 04Letter From Us 05Net Neutrality 06Healthy Living Tips 09Restaurant Review 12HTC Gives Back 14Palmetto Farms 18IT Services 20Artist Spotlight 22Protecting Your Info 24HTC Employee Spotlight 27Digital Cable Updates Find us online at www.htcinc.net. Publisher info: Life Connections, a magazine for Cooperative members, is a publication of HTC, Inc. It is published quarterly and read in more than 80,000 homes in Horry and Georgetown counties. HTC Main Office: 3480 Hwy 701 N (PO Box 1820), Conway, SC 29528 Copyright: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form — electronic, photocopy, recording, mechanical or otherwise — without the proper written permission of HTC, Inc. All brand names and product names used in this publication are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Circulation and Editorial contact: HTC Marketing Department Email: lifeconnections@htcinc.net Tel: 843-369-8714 3480 Hwy 701 N, PO Box 1820, Conway, SC 29528 Extra issues are available to HTC members on a limited basis while supplies last at any HTC location. An electronic version is available online at www.htcinc.net. Address changes: Postmaster, send changes to: HTC Marketing Department — Marketing 10102, HTC Inc., PO Box 1820, Conway, SC 29528 Advertising: Katie Amodio Email: katie.amodio@intellistrand.com Tel: 843-848-2193 Paid advertisements are not endorsements by HTC, Inc. or this publication. If you encounter an issue with an advertisement, inform the editor. Contributors: Andrew, David and Devin Dorman, Palmetto Farms Darren Smith, Rivertown Bistro Ted Watts, Local Woodworker 843-369-8969 ON SALE TICKETS ON SALE TICKETS GoCCUsports.Com l 843.347.8499 GoCCUsports.Com l 843.347.8499 D J W I L L I A M S J A Y L E N S H A W K E V I N W O O D A L L J R. D J W I L L I A M S J A Y L E N S H A W K E V I N W O O D A L L J R. @CoastalWBB @CoastalMBB @CoastalBaseball l #TEALnation C O A S T A L C A R O L I N A U N I V E R S I T Y C H A N T I C L E E R S FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1979 Strapped Aluminum Grosfillex Outdoor Wicker Sling Furniture 2415 Business Hwy 17 South, Garden City SC 29576 843-438-4028 | www.customoutdoorfurniture.com Commercial and Designer Furniture for Residential, Restaurant, Hotel & Commercial Spaces Family owned and operated since 1979 Poly Lumber Wood Furniture Restrapping and Repair Shop OUR SEASON NEVER ENDS! Now is a great time to purchase patio furniture to be ready for Spring! Commercial & Designer furniture for residential, restaurant, hotel, & community spaces. 843-279-0042