Why Internet Is Important for Rural Areas
While internet today is widely available in Horry, Georgetown and Marion counties, there was a time (not so long ago), where it wasn’t. As the local internet provider, our members have access to internet and other telecommunication services. However, getting reliable internet service in more rural and less populated areas still poses a challenge, both in our area, and around our country.
Improving Access in Rural Areas
The NTCA (The Rural Broadband Association) represents more than 850 independent, family-owned and community-based telecommunications companies, including HTC. The purpose of this organization is to help with the building and improvement of telecommunication services in small-town and rural communities across the country. The Foundation for Rural Services (FRS) is a non-profit of the NTCA, its’ purpose being to promote and educate people about the importance of broadband and communication services being available in rural areas of the United States.
Education and Resources
One of their efforts in accomplishing this goal is the annual FRS Youth tour. This program offers high school juniors a once-in-a-lifetime experience visiting Washington, DC. Students explore and learn more about our nation’s history, and also learn from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about the importance of, and current plans for, the U.S. government to provide broadband and other communication services to all Americans.
Each year, 100 students are selected to attend the Youth Tour. Students who are members of an NTCA-affiliated telecom (like HTC) send in applications. Students who meet the qualifications are selected to represent their organization. This year, Sheena Malayaporn of Socastee High School and Budd Trammell of Aynor High School were HTC’s representatives.Â
There are also 25 chaperones who accompany the students. This year, I was honored to be part of the five-day trip, held May 31-June 4, 2023. There were chaperones from Tennessee, Kansas, Washington, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska and yes, South Carolina.Â
The Youth Tour Experience
As a chaperone, I quickly realized what an opportunity a trip like this would be for any student. Each day of our trip was jam-packed with educational experiences and fun activities. Students met with their respective state senators, and attended sessions about our Legislative and Regulatory process in government.Â
In addition, students attended lectures with speakers from the Space Bureau, Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, Wireless Competition Bureau and the FCC. They opened everyone’s eyes to the importance of communication and the ability to have access to communication services.Â
But that wasn’t all we got to see in D.C. We took a tour of the U.S. Capitol and visited historical monuments, like Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., The Vietnam Wall, WWII and Korean Memorials. We traveled to Mount Vernon (George Washington’s home), and roamed through several of the Smithsonian Museums. We also paid our respects at Arlington National Cemetery. Then, we enjoyed a play the Kennedy Center.Â
With first-hand experience, I watched, and listened to the students. They expressed their enjoyment of this trip and gratitude for the opportunity. Â I also got a deeper appreciation for the industry and my role with HTC.
HTC’s Role Going Forward
As a member of the NTCA, and supporter of FRS, HTC agrees that expanding our broadband to our rural neighbors is important. Investing in the education and future of our local students is also of great importance. Having the ability to combine the two through the FRS Youth Tour is the cherry on top.
The future of broadband is being placed into the hands of the next generation making communication for all one step closer to being realized. Â We continue to expand our footprint in the tri-county area, bringing HTC services to all.