Recognizing Extraordinary Examples of Leadership
The REEL Kids Program
Since 2001, HTC has created a connection and relationship with schools throughout our service area, which now includes Horry, Georgetown and Marion counties, through the HTC REEL Kids program. With this program, the Cooperative honors students who demonstrate leadership excellence while overcoming life challenges.
Schools in all three counties, primary through high school, are encouraged to participate by nominating an extraordinary student. To become an HTC REEL Kid, each child, along with his or her teacher, principal or guidance counselor, will have their story documented for sharing with the community. And throughout the spring months, HTC will spotlight our REEL Kids award recipients by releasing their individual stories every weekend via our Facebook page, YouTube channel and Cooperative website.
This is the 25th Anniversary of the REEL Kids program. Over 1,200 students have been recognized, and this year we are pleased to welcome 83 new deserving students. The celebration will take place on Thursday, April 10, 2025 at Medieval Times, Myrtle Beach.
DO YOU KNOW OR ARE YOU A REEL KID? We’re looking for alumni of the REEL Kid program. If you are or know someone, please let us know! We’d love to include you in our celebration!